3 Related Monologues for Children: Skunk Moms

Check out my new free comedic children's monologues below. Three siblings try to convince their mother that a skunk would be the perfect pet. The monologues vary slightly in length, making it a good fit for younger children as well as older children...

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"Claire, My Eclair": A new comedic/dramatic monologue

Okay, we all make mistakes. But some mistakes are, well, quite a bit bigger than others...Check out my new comedic/dramatic monologue in which Andres begs his ex-girlfriend to forgive him of one of those big "mistakes," and maybe, just maybe, consider taking him back. After all, he did what he did for...love?...

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"Forgiveness and Defeat At A Pokémon Gym": A new comedic monologue

With all the craze of the augmented reality game, Pokemon Go, I would be remiss if i didn't acknowledge its success, dramatic relevance, and at least write a little monologue about it...So consider the first two points acknowledged, and check out my pokemon-related monologue below. This 1 minute monologue contains some comedy, some romance, some lightning bolts on a bike, and of course, some pokemon drama...Read the monologue below, entitled Forgiveness and Defeat at a Pokemon Gym.

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Interview with Monologue Slam Winner, Billy Vale

Billy Vale was thrilled when he heard his name called as the Youth Round Winner of the MonologueSlam UK Birmingham. My monologue, "Ipad Fury,"was the first monologue he had performed, but his talent was clear, and his performance appreciated by the judges and audience alike...

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Performer Stuff: A Great Resource for Actors and Singers

Just as the title of the site indicates, Performer Stuff is about, well, stuff for performers. The website includes tens of thousands of songs for musical theatre actors to audition with, and a huge (and growing) number of monologues perfect for any audition (you can find my monologues there too--lots more that aren't even on my own website yet, in fact)...

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New Dramatic Monologue: The Nicest Worst Club

Here is a new dramatic monologue, for a female (or male) actor. The monologue is suitable for a female (could be worked for a male) actor ages 18+. In "The Nicest Worst Club," Julie, a married woman with children, speaks to her friend, Jan, about not wanting to be part of a club of very nice women (who have all lost a husband).

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Consider My Monologues and 10-minute Plays for Your Competition

'Tis the season for competitions of all sorts! I've been getting a lot of emails about Forensics Competitions, Acting Tournaments, Speech Days, Thespians Festivals and more. If your competition requires a 10-minute play or a monologue, consider my repertoire for a memorable piece that is fun to perform...

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New dramatic monologue for children, teens, adults

Enjoy this new dramatic monologue, ranging in actor age from 12 to adult.

Setting: A bathroom
Age Range: 12-70+

Description: Whitney is in a bathroom. She speaks out.


I cover my ears in the shower. I stand there—letting the water drip down my hair, my back. I turn into it. It flows down my face. It’s loud. Not like thunder. It’s…it’s…peaceful. Like…I’m swimming under water, in a lake, it’s dark and the rain is pouring down. It’s loud under water. But it’s quiet. Muffled.  Calm. There are no problems under water. There is no yelling. No hurt. No pain. Everything is erased. And no one knows me.  What I’ve done. What’s been done to me. I’m nothing under the water. And Nothing is…freeing. To me...

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Contest Winners Announced!

Thank you for participating in my Christmas Superpowers and Believing in Blitzen Monologue Contest! I was truly impressed by the talent of the submissions! Thank you for taking the time to perform and record these monologues—you all did a terrific job! ...

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New Christmas 5-Minute monologue play, "Secret Santa"

If you're looking for a short solo performance piece, check out this one below. It's a comedy (drama) which runs about 5 minutes, and showcases just what kinds of issues "Secret Santa" can bring up... Enjoy!...

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New Seasonal Play for young actors (filled with monologues!)

Check out my most recent e-newsletter, announcing a new one-act Christmas-themed comedy for young actors, Christmas Superpowers and Believing in Blitzen.  You can also learn about my monologue contest (you could win a monologue written for you!).  And find out what my Halloween costume was this year...hint...I wasn't Princess Leia, but...

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New Christmas-themed comedic children's monologue: Shepherd Superheroes

Here is a new children's monologue for a male actor ages 5-12 years old (but this role can be played by female actors too). It's comedic, under 2 minutes, and themed around Christmas. I have several more Christmas-themed children's monologues that will be available in my next edition of Memorable Monologues for Actors (note that the link is to my current edition--not the new one), which is due out in late 2015 or early 2016.


By Tara Meddaugh

© 2015

AARON, a boy, 5-12 years old, is playing the part of a shepherd in a Christmas Pageant. It is the night of the performance and he, along with other shepherds, have been playing outside in the mud in their costumes...

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Captivating performance of my monologue, "I am a Shark"

Check out this performance of my monologue, "I am a Shark." Antonio De Matteo clearly knows how to captivate an audience with his tone and his eyes. I found myself mesmerized just watching him.

Share your thoughts! Have you performed this monologue with a different interpretation?  How powerful do you find it when an actor looks directly into the camera? Looks away from the camera? What are ways you can be effective using only your face and voice?