New Monologue About Bullying for Adult Actor: The 119th Element

While many monologues about bullying are for teens or children, THE 119th ELEMENT is for a young to mature male adult actor (20s-80s). Paul is an embittered and awkward scientist, having been bullied all his life by boys, girls, and even his parents. In the monologue, Paul is more than pleased to accept an honor in recognition of his discovering the 119th element (which he has named after himself). He insists this discovery and award prove that despite all the bullying he has experienced, all the doubts and obstacles he’s faced, his most basic theory holds true: He is always right. But…

Did he really make this scientific discovery? And is he really accepting an award at all?

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Dramatic Monologue about Grief and Loss: Strawberry Yogurt Cups Going Bad in the Fridge

When you experience a deep loss, Grief can haunt you, follow you everywhere or appear suddenly prompted by a sight or smell. Even in joyful moments, Grief knows how to sneak in. In my new monologue, STRAWBERRY YOGURT CUPS GOING BAD IN THE FRIDGE, from the play THE VISITOR IN THE DOORWAY, Grief, as a personified character, speaks to his latest charge, Clare. She has experienced a devastating loss on the heals of another terrible loss, and she begs him to leave her alone for a long time. She feels broken, lost, sad beyond belief, and she’s exhausted by Grief’s continual reappearance in her life. Grief knows that he is often an unwelcome guest and he hates that about himself. He has no control over death, yet he follows Death and has the difficult task of being the physical representation of love and loss.

In STRAWBERRY YOGURT CUPS GOING BAD IN THE FRIDGE, Grief answers Clare’s plea to leave her alone. And unfortunately, he has to give her the hard truth—he just can’t do that. Her love for the one she lost is so deep that he has to stay with her for a long time, and truthfully, he’s never going to leave her entirely.

This dramatic monologue runs around 30 seconds to 1 minute. It’s a short monologue but it has a good arc for Grief, as he showcases Clare’s love, the reminders of her loved-one, and how that deep love is what forces him to stay around her. STRAWBERRY YOGURT CUPS GOING BAD IN THE FRIDGE, is suitable for any gender actor, and any age from teen through mature adult. It’s Grief, after all, a timeless character.

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