New Monologue About Bullying for Adult Actor: The 119th Element

While many monologues about bullying are for teens or children, THE 119th ELEMENT is for a young to mature male adult actor (20s-80s). Paul is an embittered and awkward scientist, having been bullied all his life by boys, girls, and even his parents. In the monologue, Paul is more than pleased to accept an honor in recognition of his discovering the 119th element (which he has named after himself). He insists this discovery and award prove that despite all the bullying he has experienced, all the doubts and obstacles he’s faced, his most basic theory holds true: He is always right. But…

Did he really make this scientific discovery? And is he really accepting an award at all?

THE 119th ELEMENT is a great dramatic (and slightly darkly comedic) monologue for men who want to tap into a desperate, overcompensating, wounded, unhinged, unstable character who is simmering with rage and hurt; a little creepy but also very sad. And get some science in there too! The monologue runs around 2-3 minutes and is currently only available on PerformerStuff.

Enjoy an excerpt below:


I should give a speech now, right?  I—I—I don’t know if I have one prepared. It’s so—it clearly is an honor to be in the likes of such forerunners as Sir Humphy Davy and Marie Curie and Otto Carl Berg and Albert Chiorso and Clemens Winkler and Lord Rayleigh—and I’ll stop listing, I’ll stop listing, I’ll stop listing.  Only I feel—I feel as though I might not warrant this mark in history. What makes—what makes me deserve to be in the ranks of greater men and women? And yet…and yet…here I am! Here I am!  And the—the—the—element of Garium—I’ve taken my last name, that of Gary, to be the namesake for the 119th element, which, as you know, will be the first in the new row on the Periodic Table of Elements.


I’ve never been first at anything before.


I’m sure you’re wondering how I’ve discovered Garium. Was it years—END OF EXCERPT

Click here to get the complete dramatic monologue for men, THE 119th ELEMENT