New 30-Second Monologue About Trust from Pitfalls and Treasures

My play, Pitfalls and Treasures, is a dark comedy/drama about two loner seagulls finding each other, and forming a kind of reliance, trust, friendship. Each has been ostracized from their former flock, but their response to the pain of being pushed out is very different. Andrew remains open, friendly, trusting, hoping for the best. Mary is more jaded and skeptical (“one bitten, twice shy” kinda situation). But now Andrew has twine wrapped around his foot and no one has stopped to help him except Mary. As the two search a littered parking lot for objects that might be used to cut off the twine from his leg, Mary points out dangerous litter (like chewing gum) which might appear treasures to Andrew if he is not careful. Andrew’s gratitude for Mary’s help is immense and he marvels at how he has even survived without her. In this monologue, Mary warns him not to be too trusting of her—or anyone for that matter, as she gets lost in thoughts from her own experience.

This is a 30-second contemporary monologue for a female actor, from late teens to any age adult. You can enjoy a short excerpt below, get the free monologue here, or the entire play here.



Even if someone is trustworthy, it doesn’t mean they can thwart death for themselves, or revive a nest full of eggs that will never hatch, or prevent leaving you entirely alone and excluded from everyone because they think a curse is wrapped around your neck and follows you everywhere you go—even though—END OF EXCERPT. CLICK HERE for the entire free digital monologue, Pitfalls and Treasures—Mary’s Monologue. This monologue is free to download, but if you would like to support the playwright and her craft, you may do so below:

Monologue Donation

For more information on Mary and to purchase the entire play, Pitfalls and Treasures, click below:

Pitfalls and Treasures, a 10-minute play

This is a 10-minute 2 person dark comedy/drama/comedy play. Mary and Andrew are lonely and troubled seagulls, each ostracized by their former flocks. When Mary embarks on the desperate challenge of removing twine wrapped around Andrew’s leg, they both must decide how much to trust each other in the hope of finding a better life.