Snowman Versus Sun by Tara Meddaugh: New Children's Comedic monologue
The snowperson we managed to roll up, along with mounds of grass, leaves and mulch!
My little tea garden, enveloped in this blanket of clean, fresh fluff! Photo taken after having cleaned off 2 feet of snow a few days earlier!
Here near New York City, we have had quite a snowy February! When we received half an inch of snow at the end of January, my son and I spent almost an hour rolling up shreds of snow to create a small snowboy. I think our snowboy was half leaves and mulch, but hey; we had a little snow and were going to enjoy it! Of course, if we’d only waited a few days…we would have found ourselves in a true Winter Wonderland! A Nor’easter gifted us a glorious 2 feet of perfect packing snow! Needless to say, making a much larger snowman after that storm took a whole of five minutes. Not even a week later, we found ourselves receiving at least another foot of snow, and there’s more to come this week.
So—our family has made some sort of large snow-army in our backyard, a snow Bill Cipher, a snow-slide and lots of mini snowmen. Going on walks in the neighborhood is a treat, as we get to take in all the awesome snow creations people have made around us (we’ve even created “Snowman Awards” to leave on people’s porches). So yes, we have snow on our brains! And…since my son has been responding to fiction writing-prompts for his schoolwork, he gave me a writing prompt himself which has resulted in this wintery children’s monologue, Snowman Versus Sun. I also have to give him credit as he designed the monologue cover himself (his at-home-digital-design class with Mom: Canva!)
As the title indicates, the monologue is about that age-old problem: snowman v. sun. In this 1-minute free comedic monologue great for young kids, Titus takes on the sun directly himself. Do you think the sun will listen to him? He’s got a pretty big request…
Enjoy the excerpt below:
(speaks to the sun in the sky)
Mom said I can’t look directly at you, but you can look directly at me, so I hope you see how serious I am! I’m gonna use all those superpowers I’ve been storing up to control you! Yes, you, Sun! I spent 40 minutes making this snowman. 40 minutes when I could have been playing Mario Kart on the Switch! Or drinking a hot chocolate bomb! Or watching youtube. But I’m outside. And I rolled those snowballs all by myself and they got really heavy!
(he might try to use superpowers, or might think better of it)
Visit here for the complete free monologue, Snowman Versus Sun, by Tara Meddaugh.