From the full-length play, Movements of the Wind, 2nd movement, Sharing Soil
By Tara Meddaugh

About the play, Movements of the Wind:
As wind sweeps through a garden, its inhabitants must confront the volatile effects of Mother Nature, as well as their own changing nature. The story follows several short, intertwined pieces, as Carrot and Potato, taught to be enemies from birth, struggle to remain friends, Tulip wants more out of life than only her partner, and two pieces of pollen attempt to make a dangerous jump from a dying flower to a fresh one. Through sacrifice and friendship, they must not only survive their trials, but also come to populate another generation.

About the 10-minute play/scene from Movements of the Wind, Sharing Soil:
In soil cultures, prejudices run deep for carrots and potatoes. But when bully vegetables draw Carrot and Potato together, they must decide if their new friendship is worth risking their safety and rejection from their own garden cultures.


About the monologue, Second-Hand Dirt:
Carrot has just run away from mean carrots who have bitten off her carrot tip, and has been alone crying. Soon, Potato ambles by, and Carrot mistakes her for a lumpy brown carrot. Carrot is embarrassed and hurt from her run-in with the bullying carrots and speaks harshly to the potato. Potato thinks Carrot is acting mean to her. In this monologue, Carrot explains her failed attempts of being accepted into the mainstream carrot group.

Genre: Comedy/Teen/Drama/Allegory
Cast: Female (male)
Age range: 12-20
Setting: Garden
Running time: Approximately 45 seconds - 1 minute




They’re always picking at me. The carrots at the north end. Just because I’m beautiful, and strong!


I’m not mean!


Well, they make me mean.


I usta be nice.  Too nice, I guess.  You know, when Carrot 92’s mother got taken away, I offered her some of the moistest soil I had.  I’d been guarding that soil ever since I can remember.  And I’m still young and growing, you know?  But I offer it to her anyway!  And you know what she does? END OF EXCERPT

CLICK HERE for the free, complete monologue, Second-Hand Dirt.

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To read the complete full-length play, Movements of the Wind, from which this monologue comes, click below:

To read only the 10-minute movement, Sharing Soil, from Movements of the Wind, click below:

Sharing Soil, a 10-minute play