When a new tulip arrives in the greenhouse, the long-time residents (a hyacinth, a fern, a poinsettia) make him pay for the fresh air and space he takes up.

Cast: 5 actors (any role may be male or female)
Age range: tween, teen, adult
Genre: Absurd, comedy, drama, allegory
Set: A greenhouse
Length: 10-minute play

CLICK for a free excerpt to the 10-minute play Greenhouse Living.

Click below for the complete digital copy of the 10-minute play, Greenhouse Living.

Hana Kalinski, Rich Price, Bram Barough, Samantha Sherman, and Lindsay Roth in Greenhouse Living, as part of Movements of the Wind, produced by Katherine and Friends/The Director’s Company, NYC (dir. Kel Haney; costume design by Rebecca Frey).