Image of the front door to a house, with greenery to the sides of the door, and a stone porch on bottom 2/3 of image. Top third is a gray box with writing of the title for the play "The Items Forgotten" a 5-minute play by Tara Meddaugh

a 5-minute play by Tara Meddaugh

Locked out of their house for the third time this week, Travis and Kira search for their spare key on their porch, and begin questioning their relationship (and state of mind)!

Cast: 2 actors (1 female, 1 male)
Genre: drama, comedy
Set: On a porch of a house on a cold day
Length: 5-10 minutes
*Published in Five-Minute Plays, Applause Acting
Great for: short plays, 2-person play, husband and wife play, young couple, drama, illness, forgetfulness, worry, relationships

Click here for an excerpt to The Items Forgotten.

CLICK below for a complete digital copy of The Items Forgotten. Once purchased, you will be given a link to download the script.