—Back to The Underground Adventures of a Carrot and Potato
Cast Size: Large (16-18 or more performers)
Cast Type: Children, Teen (adults performing for TYA)
Dance Requirements: There is some dancing, but does not need to be significant. Choreography can be more or less, as desired.
Vocal Requirements: No singing required.
Character Breakdown
A carrot who likes to dance. Previously bullied, and quickly becomes fiercely loyal to Patches. This is the lead role who is on stage for most of the play and has a significant 2-person scene with Patches. Cast a strong actor who has high energy for an active funny role, and acting abilities to express dramatic fear, humor, regret and hope.
Gender: Any gender.
Dancing requirememts: No formal dancing needed, but there is a bit of dancing movement (can be as advanced or basic as desired.
A potato who likes to dance, loyal, empathetic, sensible, and kind friend. This is a lead role, although not on stage as much as Chaplin. Patches has a significant 2-person scene with Chaplin, with a good number of lines and arc. Cast a strong actor who has high energy.
Gender: Any gender.
Dancing requirememts: No formal dancing needed, but there is a bit of dancing movement (can be as advanced or basic as desired.
A blue bird. Wise, a little formal, a little irritable/impatient at times. Shows up when it matters. Kendry is a supporting role who is in several scenes, so cast a strong actor who has a commanding presence.
Gender: Male pronouns, but can be any gender (pronouns can be changed).
A turnip. The upbeat leader of the comedy trio with Cory and Smudge. You can always count on Rory to deliver a great vegetable pun! Cast a strong actor with great comedic sense and timing in this large supporting role. There are two scenes where Rory is one of only 3 characters on stage, so should be comfortable with lines and have good stage presence.
Gender: Male pronouns, but can be any gender (pronouns can be changed).
A turnip. Takes the comedy trio seriously, but also cautious, skeptical and getting a little tired/down about the lack of success of their comedy trio. Cast a strong actor with great comedic sense and timing in this large supporting role. There are two scenes where Cory is one of only 3 characters on stage, so should be comfortable with lines and have good stage presence.
Gender: Male pronouns, but can be any gender (pronouns can be changed).
Part of the comedy trio with Rory and Cory. Less competitive and set in ways than Cory and Rory. Bonds with and interprets what Blaze tells the group. Cast a strong actor with great comedic sense and timing in this large supporting and active role.
Gender: Any gender.
Baby Beet
Adorable and she knows it! Not worried a whole lot about what others think. Wants to have fun and a family. This is a fun supporting role for a strong actor who has great comedic timing and can lean into the “I’m adooooorable” aspect of the character. If you’re able to cast a standout young actor, this helps, as the character is the youngest of the vegetable group. This role has a monologue where Baby Beet talks about playing with a dog toy, as well as losing her beet family, so cast an actor who is able to hold her own on stage, even if young. The role is mainly upbeat (hahah, “upBEET”—had to go there!), but has the underlying sadness of losing her beet family.
Gender: Any gender. Female pronouns used in script, but can be any gender (pronouns can be changed).
A ginger root who believes the lie that she’ll die if she talks to non-ginger-roots. This is a supporting role without much talking. The actor uses hand gestures to convey thoughts and feelings, but begins to speak at the end of the play. While Blaze doesn’t have a lot of lines, she is active in a good deal of the play.
Gender: Any gender. Female pronouns used in script, but can be any gender (pronouns can be changed).
A scout armyworm. Typical “mean girl” character. More of a leader than Fendy, and gets a little annoyed with Fendy’s ineptitude. Devious and hungry, but has self-control. This is a great featured role with a fantastic large scene. Cast an excellent actor who can convey mock-sweetness with underlying cruelty, and has a good comedic sense and energy. This fun role is in one scene, but she has a lot of lines and action in this scene and drives it, along with Fendy.
Gender: Any gender. Female pronouns used in script, but can be any gender (pronouns can be changed).
*Can be doubled with Taylor.
A scout armyworm. Typical “mean girl “character. Fendy is obsessed with her looks and appearance. Devious and hungry, impatient and less self-control than Gucchy and a bit whinier. This is a great featured role with a fantastic large scene. Cast an excellent actor who can convey mock-sweetness with underlying cruelty, and has a good comedic sense and energy. This fun role is in one scene, but Fendy has a lot of lines and action in this scene and drives it, along with Gucchy.
Gender: Any gender. Female pronouns used in script, but can be any gender (pronouns can be changed).
*Can be doubled with Swift
A mean carrot. Leader of the carrots. This supporting role is in several scenes and has some lines in each scene. Cheddar plays an active role during those scenes as the leader of the mean carrots. Cast an actor who has good commanding presence and will enjoy making this role their own. This is a perfect role for a good actor who might not be ready for a larger role.
Gender: Any gender.
A mean carrot. Cheddar’s right-hand carrot; adores Cheddar. This funny supporting role is in several scenes and has some lines in each scene. Cast an actor with good comedic timing, and who might enjoy going a bit “over the top” with enthusiasm or adoration. This is a perfect role for a good actor who might not be ready for a larger role and will have fun putting their own stamp on Cheeto.
Gender: Any gender.
A mean carrot. Wants to be famous, into “posing” for no camera, looking cool and cute (in addition to being mean). This supporting role is in several scenes and has some lines in each scene. Cast an actor who will have fun going over the top with the “selfie/influencer” vibe and has great stage presence. This is a perfect role for a good actor who might not be ready for a larger role and will enjoy making Chai their own.
Gender: Any gender.
A mean carrot. Judgmental and easily annoyed. Has a bit of frenemy, or “one-upping” rivalry sometimes with Chai. This supporting role is in several scenes and has some lines in each scene. Cast an actor who will embrace being mean and judgmental and have fun with it. This is a perfect role for a good actor who might not be ready for a larger role and will enjoy developing the character of Chicklet.
Gender: Any gender.
A mean carrot. Lazy and just wants to relax. This supporting role is in several scenes and has a few lines in each scene. Cast an actor who will enjoy playing up being lazy and complaining. This is a perfect role for a good actor who might not be ready for a larger role and will enjoy putting their own unique twist on Chandler.
Gender: Any gender.
Head Tulip
The grandiose leader of all tulips, a bit ridiculous but has wisdom when it counts. This featured role is in one scene, but has a monologue. Cast an actor who can be a bit silly but also be a bit parental or wise. This is a perfect role for a good actor who might not be ready for a larger role and will enjoy developing this role.
Gender: Any gender. Female pronouns, but can be any gender (pronouns can be changed).
Taylor Tulip
Second in command, tends to all Head Tulip’s needs and might even appear a bit smarter than Head Tulip. Taylor and Swift Tulip are a duo and are likely united in their feelings about Head Tulip. This featured role is in one scene and has a few lines. This is a perfect role for a good actor who might not be ready for a larger role and will enjoy developing this role.
Gender: Any gender.
*Can be doubled with Gucchy
Swift Tulip
Taylor’s assistant likely united in their feelings about Head Tulip. This featured role is in one scene and has a few lines. This is a perfect role for a good actor who might not be ready for a larger role and will enjoy developing this role and playing off of Taylor Tulip.
Gender: Any gender.
*Can be doubled with Fendy
Carrot Ensemble
This is an ensemble of mean carrots. They appear in all scenes with the group of 5 named carrots. The ensemble has group speaking lines. These are perfect roles for any age or experienced performer. Actors in these roles get the experience of memorizing and saying lines, but within the safety net of a group. This ensemble makes multiple appearances throughout the play and has an active presence. Each perfomer has the opportunity to make their “mean carrot” their own through expressions, gestures, movements and group or indicated impromptu lines.
Gender: Optional cast. Any gender, any number.
*Can be doubled with Tulip Ensemble.
Tulip Ensemble
This is an ensemble of tulips. This ensemble appears in one scene and has a few group lines and a little bit of group singing (it doesn’t to be good!). They are exhausted from singing at the Head Tulip’s command and following odd decrees. These are perfect roles for any age or experienced performer. Actors in these roles get the experience of memorizing and saying lines, but within the safety net of a group. Each perfomer has the opportunity to make their “mean carrot” their own through expressions, gestures, movements and group or indicated impromptu lines.
Gender: Optional cast. Any gender, any number.
*Can be doubled with Carrot Ensemble.
Fendy/Swift Tulip may be doubled.
Gucchy/Taylor Tulip may be doubled.
Carrot/Tulip Ensembles may be doubled.